My work

What I have created …

Photography Landingpage
Photography Landingpage

Photography Landingpage

The Photography Landingpage was the beginning of my coding journey. I used basic HTML and inline CSS and Javascript.

It was the final project for the SheCodes Basics Workshop: Introduction to Coding.

Tools: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6 and Visual Studio Code

Weather App

Vanilla JS Weather App

For my Weather App I used the OpenWeatherMap API integration, to display real-time weather data of various cities in the world, where I also created a 6-days forecast. It is possible to change the location, by entering the city name in the search bar.

It was the final project for the SheCodes Plus Workshop: Front End Developer.

Tools: InVision Freehand, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, Bootstrap, Netlify, Github, an API and Visual Studio Code

Weather App
Responsive Portfolio
Responsive Portfolio

Responsive Portfolio Website

For my responsive portfolio website I sketched it on the Sketch Application InVision and Figma and then i coded it step by step and also used the responsive knowledge i had learned.

It was the final project for the SheCodes Responsive Workshop: Responsive Web Development.

Tools: InVision Freehand, Figma, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, Bootstrap, Netlify, Github and Visual Studio Code

React Weather App

React Weather App

A similar Weather Application to the Vanilla JS Weather App, but this time I built it with React instead of Vanilla Javascript.

It was one of the two final projects for the SheCodes React Workshop: React Development.

Tools: InVision Freehand, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, API, React

React Weather App
Dictionary App
Dictionary App

React Dictionary App

This dictionary allows you to search for any word definition and pronunciation, and it also automatically generates related synonyms and images. I have used two different API integrations for these features: DictionaryAPI and PexelsAPI.

It was the final project for the SheCodes React Workshop: React Development.

Tools: InVision Freehand, HTML, CSS, JS, API, React

Work Inquiry

Let's work together and make something creative